
Trek Industries, Inc.

Turnaround Receivership Manufacturing Company


  • Revenue decline 2001 – 2004
  • $17.5 million to $3.5 million
  • Losses: alarming $1 million/year
  • Owners pumping in $100K/month


  • Return company to profitability
  • Sell the business as a going concern
  • Recapture owner loans and investment


  • Revenues increased to $5.5 million
  • Costs cut $1 million (mostly payroll)
  • Business was sold and creditors paid in full
  • Owners repaid loans + investment

Mosier & Company, Inc.

Hasco Oil, Inc.

Provisional Director Family Business Dispute Situation:

  • Mother sells oil business to children
  • Mother gets note, 20 year pay out
  • Kids mismanage business, default


  • Stabilize the management
  • Return the business to profitability
  • Reinstate payments on the note


  • Financial controls put in place
  • Management disputes resolved
  • Note payments resume
  • Mother retakes control of the Board

Mosier & Company, Inc.

MC Trust

Probate Trustee Raw Land Entitlement Situation:

  • Largest Asset: 30 acres of raw land
  • Current zoning: 1 house per 40 acres
  • 401 neighbors oppose development


  • Turn the neighborhood around
  • Achieve 45 half-acre lot zoning
  • Maximize recovery for heirs


  • Commission approved final map
  • Most neighbors supported the plan
  • Project sold to a nationwide builder
  • Value enhanced: $1 to $3 million

Mosier & Company, Inc.

Shirley's Bagels

Temporary Trustee Probate Court Situation:

  • Dispute over living trust provisions
  • Lucrative bagel business declining
  • Four heirs couldn’t agree on anything


  • Turnaround and sell the bagel stores
  • Provide accounting: pasts gifts
  • Maximize remaining assets for heirs


  • Business stabilized, eventually sold
  • Estate tax returns filed; taxes lowered
  • Real estate sold and allocated
  • Prior gifts reconciled; litigation settled

Mosier & Company, Inc.

(Turnaround Project to Avoid Dissolution)

Court-Appointed Receiver (Turnaround Project to Avoid Dissolution) $11,000,000 Computer Main Frame Leasing Company
This once successful company was sold to a Vice President, and the seller took back a $1.0 million note. The new owner quickly lost financial control of the business and defaulted on a $1.6 million secured line plus the note to the prior owner. The Bank sought the appointment of Robert P. Mosier as Receiver. Results: After stabilizing the company’s cash flow, the Receiver negotiated a settlement where the prior owner returned to management. The secured loan was paid off, and the Bank rewrote a new line of credit. The customer later received the Bank’s “Borrower of the Year” award. Duration: 1 year. Orange County Superior Court Judge. Ronald P. Bauer; Eric Dean, Esq., of Arter & Hadden, Counsel for the Bank. Ed Terreri, Esq., Counsel for the Defendants.

“The Bank was very pleased with the outcome. A bad credit was converted into one of our best customers. Mosier did a characteristically thorough job in bringing about a win/win solution.”

Jim LeSieur Then President, Sunwest Bank